The Typewriter
Unrequited love, but not as you know it
My love
for you grows
like words on a page;
sporadic spurts, tap, tap, tap
giving shape to the abstract.
My heart beats
for you
in the soft staccato of mechanical arms;
flameless firebrands which
raise, lower -thnk! — raise, lower — thnk!
industrious rhythmical percussion
printing signs and symbols
deciphering the inconveniently inarticulate:
loving, wanting,
Each carriage return lurches leftwards -
another line — another breath
another heartbeat
another Word Divine
giving shape to that which can’t be held
describing the indescribable:
your warmth,
my happiness — no, insufficient —
my sheer jubilance
you bring with your smile — just your smile
And all I have
are these signs, symbols
signifiers, typeface
cool and efficient
words beaten clunkily out
of an ink-ribboned heart.
This is one poem from a series. If you’d like to see more poems, let me know by commenting or clapping this one.